RSVP today and make plans to join us.
When: Saturday October 22nd, 2016 12:00 to 3:30 PM
Where: The Little Red Barn Steakhouse
1902 S. Hackberry
San Antonio, TX. 78210
- This year’s Reunion is packed with an exciting agenda!
- All attendees will have an opportunity to win a Flat Screen TV and other great prizes!
Big winners of last year’s TV: Bob Morgan and his wife - No silent auction this year
- Display of Equipment and Memorabilia
- Dedicated servers for our group from 12:00 to 2:00 PM
- Private Room with great food and drinks
- Scrolling photos of past reunions
- Sound system to share news and activities
- VIP presentation about the San Antonio Technology Museum Project and how CT/Datapoint and IT will be featured – Learn how you can be part of this project below!
Be sure to RSVP below. You won’t want to miss the chance to see old friends and co-workers you haven’t seen since last year or for many years!
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To be sure you don’t miss reunion news, subscribe to receive up to date posts at our Web Site! While you’re there look through the photos, exciting museum news and enjoy the memories. See you soon!
Be Part of the San Antonio Technology Museum Project!
If you have any of the following, please contact David Monroe or Austin
- Personal Video Stories – about individuals experiences at CTC and Datapoint that can be preserved and/or published.
- Photographs of Employees, Buildings and Equipment, Emails, Letters – and the like that are interesting, such as Datapoint’s planned introduction of the “Internet”.
- Marketing Materials – Including brochures, catalogs, posters, videos, and paraphernalia such as pens, trade show handouts etc.
- Software – cassettes, diskettes, disk packs, etc
- Technical Documentation – service manuals on all products, software manuals, software listings, etc.
- Hardware – just about everything. Multiple examples of each model are needed to support getting each model working for a planned video.